it’s been a while…

Well, I’m actually more reading than writing since I added Planet Debian to my feed aggregator gregarious.

Also did a few changes to the themes, updated wordpress without issue. Thanks to both wordpress and debian.

Finally this blog has electronics in the headline and I’ve never talked about it yet, but I’m practicing 😉

I’ve been looking for software to draw my schematics and keep track of my work, first for myself and when ready to post my work here.
One project that seamed interesting is Fritzing but it seams too unstable, I don’t mean that the software is unstable but the file formats are. That means that some project done with it today might not be readable by tomorrow’s version.

So I ended up using The gEDA project tools. Starting with gschem to draw the schematics and then adding PCB to prepare my boards.
I’m not actually doing real PCBs, I prefer using prototyping boards and soldering lots of small wires, but using PCB with a 100mil grid really helps for arranging the placement.

I started hacking with Atmel’s AVR microcontrollers using avr-gcc and avr-libc. I first build an USBtinyISP avr programmer. I’ll post the gschem and PCB file some day. (It can come sooner if you ask for it).

Almost forgot, I recovered an old bookmark on Chip Directory. It’s a pinout database of many old chip references including 74xx TTL series and 40xx MOS series.

One thought on “it’s been a while…

  1. Julien Post author

    hum, there is an issue, I could write the post, but I cannot edit it… probably something with plugins messing the edit page, I’ll have to look in more detail soon…

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