WordPress 2.7.1 !

Now that Lenny is out, testing is moving again !

So I could upgrade my wordpress debian package to the testing version and get the 2.7.1 !

Note that my system is still running lenny (stable), this is using basic apt pinning, the more basic you can do is :

  1. add
    APT::Default-Release "stable";

    in /etc/apt/apt.conf (or in one file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d)

  2. then add the tesing distrib in your source.list !
  3. Finally
    sudo aptitude update

    and that’s it you can install some specific packages from testing.

However to use stable, testing and unstable you have to really do the pinning !

But for testing, unstable and experimental the above method with testing as default release will works. Just because experimental has NEVER automatic upgrade.