I’ve been lasy about the reporting lately, so this is a 3 weeks update at once !
The bug count according to udd is down to 818. I guess this is due to Kibi‘s triaging on input related bugs, but I helped to close a few one too !
I kept my week numbering as before, so now I know the first bugs I pinged are more that 11 weeks old. I guess if some submitter did not answer in that delay, they will probably never do it. I think the bug count will go down again ! ๐
- #451708 ping & close – xserver-xorg-input-synaptics: Option “GuestMouseOff” “true” not working.
- #424743 ping & forwarded – X11 pen driver doesn’t work on tabletPC Fujitsu Stylistic 2300 (fix included).
- #499664 ping, try nouveau – X fails to start with xserver-xorg-video-nv 1:2.1.12-1.
- #512614 confirmed & upstream – xset dpms rejects reasonable values as illegal.
- #512711 ping and later closed – All keypresses repeated roughly three times each, makes login impossible.
- #513128 ping – X server crashes every time when gnome-screensaver starts.
- #486356 merge with #482592 – numlock led is inversed (using numlockx) .
- #515737 ping & closed – After upgrading from Etch to Lenny, mouse pointer is very slow and keys don’t repeat.
- #515840 ping – Desktop is not using full screen after upgrade from etch to lenny.
- #516860 closed after looking at the git history – Xorg with ‘-sharevts’ use almost 100% of the CPU.
- #362434 ping & closed, suggested to try nouveau – nv has problems with xcursor-themes.
- #502131 ping & closed – System gets into a `state’ and fails to process modifier keys.
- #453296 closed (old ping unanswered) – MacBook: cannot assign right mouse click to lower Enter key.
- #504537 ping – X server eats CPU on sparc.
- #502313 ping – Applications are getting “ghost” Alt keypress events, but I press no keys.
- #527118 ping – autoadded input devices kill X server.
- #270887 forwarded – startx and xinit do not preserve client arguments.
- #542542 closed after looking at the git history – non-VGA compatible graphics devices won’t run X.
- #492888 ping – xorg ignores keystrokes.
- #543210 merge with #492783 – Alt-F7 to return to X, passes F7 key to top focus’d window.
- #524413 closed – xauth fails with xorg 7.4, this was actually an xinit bug and the git log lead to #549377 being closed…
The X Strike Force (still) needs you !
You can have a look at the X Strike Force Bug Closing Procedure and check XSF unstable bugs sorted by date.