This file is intended to provide a little description to compile and install from source. The installation instructions for the binary tarballs can be found on the web-page To compile the driver from source, please make sure you have the source for your current XFree86 Server installed. One way to check which version of XFree86 you have installed is to check the messages in /var/log/XFree86..log. This is also the file containing the debug messages if you #define EVDBG during compilation. The easiest way to install the XFree86 sources is of course to use the source packages that came with your Linux distribution. After that it should be easy -- type: xmkmf -a make su make install If this does not work get the source-tarballs from Unpack these tarballs. Go to the driver sources-directory: xmkmf `pwd` make su make install There are 2 defines which can be set to enable debugging output 1. DEBUG -- enables normal debugging output 2. LOGRAW -- enables output of the raw 3-byte packets to build a driver with both options enabled do make DEBUG=y LOGRAW=y 7.0 Install ----------------- Part of the 7.0 modulalization is that They started to use autotools. So you have have autotools (aclocal,autoconf,automake libtool) installed in your system to compile with this option. The are needed steps. ./ --prefix=/path/to/your/ make make install Have fun!